Pounds Are Not Gained By Junk Food Alone

Following healthy eating habits alone will not result in getting rid of unwanted pounds. In other words, the type of food you eat doesn’t always determine whether or not you will lose weight! Case in point: almost everyone will tell you that if you want to lose weight or avoid weight gain, you should steer clear of junk foods! But, I’m sure you know plenty of people who eat junk food to some degree and are not overweight. How do they do it?

It is all about controlling your food portions. If you “control” your junk food intake, say set aside one day of the week to splurge, you effectively manage the impact of junk food on your diet. For example, don’t eat fast food more than once or twice per week. Save your favorite dessert for once a week and no more than that.

In essence, learning to restrict your junk food intake allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without the additional headache of weight gain.

On a regular basis, however, you should eat five to six small and healthy meals a day, every two to three hours. For snacks avoid chips and cookies. Instead, opt for carrot sticks, raisins, an apple or even air-popped popcorn.

While many believe that the source of calories DOES matter when it comes to maintaining a slim body, weight maintenance is all about exercising portion control. Give your body exactly what it needs at a particular time; that way, it will never have any extra calorie left to deposit as fat and you will always be able to maintain your lean, slim figure!


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