Barry’s Bootcamp Review

As seen on such programs as The Today Show and Good Morning America and featured in such magazines as Us Weekly, People, and Shape, Barry’s Bootcamp complete workout system is touted as one of the most efficient and effective workout programs available. Over the past 10 years, Barry has become one of the most popular […]

Staying Motivated When Losing Weight

“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”  This quote by Mark Twain may not seem to have anything to do with losing weight on its face.  However, as you progress in your weight loss program, you may find wisdom […]

The Connection Betwixt Childhood Obesity and Fast Food

Is there really an associatin between childhood obesity and fast food? The response will change depending upon whom you involve in the question. Evidently the fast food industry would like to deny such a connection. But parents will do well to consider the facts. Obesity is not only a problem of how a child looks. It also means many dangerous and even fatal health conditions. Being overweight is associated with bronchial asthma, arthritis, joint damage, heard disease, diabetes, certain, gout, sleep apnea, respiratory distress, and chronic pain. So, considering whether or not childhood obesity and fast food are linked can mean saving a child’s health. Let’s consider this subject a bit closer.

5 Keys to a Successful Fat Loss Plan

As America’s obesity epidemic continues to spiral out of control, more and more people are interested in finding a successful fat loss plan. There are, however, thousands of such plans claiming to help you lose weight. It can be a seemingly impossible task to determine which plans actually work. But, there are, five key aspects […]