Kettlebell Training for Strength & Conditioning

Mike Mahler and Josh Henkin team up to discuss kettlebell training. The kettlebell is a castiron weight that looks somewhat like a cannonball with a handle.

Kettlebell training provides a great core workout that requires a balanced approach. Mike outlines five areas that should be focused on for balanced development. These are the:

Press – includes exercises such as the kettlebell military press or floor press.
Row – includes exercises such as the kettlebell bent-over row.
Squat – includes exercises such as the double kettlebell front squat and the one-legged squat.
Lower Body Pull – includes exercises such as the double swing and double snatch.
Core – includes exercises such as the Turkish get-up and windmill, a favorite among women.

Female athletes can get started with kettlebell training and expect a full body workout with the following exercises:

One-arm Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell One-legged Deadlift
One-arm Kettlebell Clean
Kettlebell Windmill
Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

You can find kettlebell photos and descriptions of these exercises on Mike Mahler’s site.

To get started with kettlebell training, order your pair of kettlebells today!

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